Thursday, December 20, 2012

I Have a Dream

Peter Breen

Hello wonderful people I’m here today to discuss a topic that is not so wonderful that destroys families and communities. Terrorism is a difficult subject to talk about this is not only threatening the United States of America, but it is a worldwide threat. 911 devastated the U.S. and too many children were left without moms and dads that day. This needs to end now.

A terrorist is a person who terrorizes or frightens others. There are a substantial amount of terrorist that are native to the United States. All mass murderers are terrorists; they, for sure frighten people. We all want the United States to be more like our neighbors to the north. Canada is an unbelievably free of terrorism. People leave their doors wide open in Canada so people could walk in their homes whenever they pleased. In one county of a total of 25 years as being the sheriff he had seen a total of two murder cases. It has been said that some insane people murder several people at time to become famous. Mass murders receive an unbelievable amount attention from the news. Experts have tried to persuade news channels close to the incident to provide vital information and other channels in other parts of the country to provide bare minimum attention. This could indeed stop many mass murders because some people want to become “celebrities”. Some may say we have too many weapons however is that really the case making guns illegal would do nothing to stop violence because it’s just like drugs they’re illegal, but that doesn’t stop people from getting them it would be the same case with guns.

I have dream that one day the world will be rid of terrorists wanting to kill so many people. People should be able to work in the New York City skyscrapers, go to the mall in Oregon, go to the movies in Colorado, and even go to school in Colorado, Virginia and Connecticut . I have a dream that our children can live without fear. I have a dream!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Sorry everybody I thought we were supposed to pass in our responses to the articles.
So here is mine: Peter Breen

Being able to get guns in the United states is a hugely debated topic since there have been many mass murders in our history. For example recently an insane man killed several people in Colorado at a movie theater. I think that the ability to bear arms is a legitimate one because in most cases they are used in self defense. Even if the person working at the weapon store asked for your gun license that still would not stop crazy people from getting their hands on a gun especially of they are a determined crazy person. In conclusion I am on the same side as the senator.

Monday, December 3, 2012

What do you think of 3D movies?

       My opinion on 3D movies is that they are a load of junk that movie-makers do just to squeezed every last penny out of their audience. Also many people that wear glasses find it extremely awkward to wear the red and cyan cardboard "glasses". With almost half of the population of the U.S.A. wearing glasses (126 million total). 3D is also murdering T.V. prices because it is slowly becoming the standard for modern televisions making their prices rise. 3D on a television is almost completely useless because you can only see 3D on a DVD or on a select few channels. In conclusion I think 3D is a waste of time.