Monday, December 10, 2012

Sorry everybody I thought we were supposed to pass in our responses to the articles.
So here is mine: Peter Breen

Being able to get guns in the United states is a hugely debated topic since there have been many mass murders in our history. For example recently an insane man killed several people in Colorado at a movie theater. I think that the ability to bear arms is a legitimate one because in most cases they are used in self defense. Even if the person working at the weapon store asked for your gun license that still would not stop crazy people from getting their hands on a gun especially of they are a determined crazy person. In conclusion I am on the same side as the senator.


  1. I think that guns should be kept for police and government officials only. Even if guns are normally used for self defense it isn't the right choice. I mean killing someone is never the right think to do. There are always other ways to defend yourself. For example you could always learn martial arts, or if someone is coming after you pick up the nearest object and just throw it at them.

  2. I read this post after the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. Anybody who wants a gun shouldn't have a gun. You should have proper training and mentally fit to obtain a gun. If you want the responsibility of owning a gun you must meet certain qualifications. Guns are very dangerous weapons that are used for good and as we have seen lately on the news, VERY BAD. Children shouldn't be afraid to go to school, people shouldn't be afraid to go to the mall or movies.

  3. Hi Peter, I really think that this needs some work. I think that you really didn't state the main idea at all and didn't give any support and I feel that you gave more opinions than details. I didn't really like this one, but keep striving for success!
